August Online Income Report: Blog & Youtube Channel

[Please be advised that some of the links provided are affiliate links and I do receive a small commission if you make a purchase using those links]

My ‘August Online Income Report’ shares the true financial ups and downs for content creators.

I was unable to secure any brand deals for August, so the majority of my income came from Google Adsense. Though I receive a fair amount of traffic for the size of my Youtube channel, Adsense is by no means lucrative for content creators.

Luckily, I am still happy with the amount I made because I enjoyed the content I created in August. However, I did secure a few deals for September, so I will make up some ground next month.

2020 will be over soon!

Which means the Holiday’s are around the corner. My hope for this space is steady posting to end the year strong. I do not expect much of an increase in traffic, and that is ok.

My end of year goal for this blog is to define the space, organize, and update the SEO to set a solid foundation for growth. Then, in 2021 I will work more on intentional marketing to gain more traffic.

Nonetheless, I am learning what you all want to see.

I use Pinterest to test out new ideas and share past content. The platform is great because I can see what people are looking for from blogs these days. Surprisingly, my book pins are doing much better than expected!

Good thing I am an avid reader!

I am also encouraged by the response to my wellness and personal development content. This means that I can move forward with the content I enjoy sharing and still gain traffic.

2020 August Online Income Report (+ TRAFFIC)

I am only reporting income that has actually been deposited into my bank account. This means all the money that I am showing you today was actually made in July and August 2020, because most of the programs I am making money from take around 30-90 days to deposit into my bank account.

Breakdown of August 2020 Online Income – $551.19

In August 2020, I made $551.19 online. Here is the breakdown on where exactly the money came from.

Affiliate Income – $13.58
Amazon: $13.58

Merchandise – $54.00
Printables: $54.00

Google Adsense: $483.61

TOTAL: $551.19

The total above is before taxes, of which I save 15% from that total and have an amount deducted from my job paychecks to cover taxes as well.
In August, I did not spend any money, so aside from taxes I kept all of the profit for the month.

August Online Blog & Youtube Stats

August Blog Traffic: +326 pageviews (2,229 pageviews)
July Youtube subscribers: +522 (14,696 total)
July Youtube views: 94,000 (7,700 hours)
August Pinterest followers: +9 (11)
August Pinterest total audience: 61,800
August Instagram followers : +45 (2,188)

What did I do in August to grow?

I spent a major chunk of the month creating Pins for Pinterest and cleaning up blog posts. The majority of my posts now all have pins, and I only have 20 more posts for which to fix the SEO.

Also, I am linking blog posts in the description box of my Youtube videos. This helps make the connection between the content I create across all platforms and encourages people to read the blog as well.

Lastly, I created and marketed two printables.

Moving my Hair Guide to the blog helped to flush out my new ‘Shop’ page with three printables. The ‘5-year Plan’ Template was already on the blog, but not in an easy to find place. Now, the ‘5-year-plan’ template, my hair guide, and my new Hair Routine template are all on the shop page.

I was able to drive traffic to my new ‘Hair Routine’ template by sharing the printable in a video. My hope is to make more printables in the future that help my viewership better use the advice I give on haircare, wellness, and personal development.

My Plans for September

I am preparing for the Holiday season, so my biggest goal is to transition my Instagram into more of a lifestyle focus. While adding wellness and personal development content on the Youtube Channel.

The goal is to expand my content so that I can go full on in 2021 with a brand more focused on overall lifestyle content, but still heavy on natural haircare.

In September I will finish updating the SEO on the remaining blog posts, and move on to the organization of my blog. I need to re-categorize my posts and help the reader find new posts that are relevant to what brings them to my blog.

How I plan to grow my online income in September

As stated above, I have two brand deals lined up for September, and if the Youtube channel continues steadily I will be able to make at least $1,000. Yes, I’ve had the same goal these last couple of months.

My hope is to steadily make at least $1,000/month online by January 2021.

This means that this month I need to secure a few brand deals for October.

Also, I haven’t done a very good job marketing opportunities for hair consults with me. So, I will focus on filling my October calendar this month as well. I’m thinking at least two consults a week.

I need to continue to steadily post on Pinterest, so I can raise my traffic to at least 100k per month.

I will also improve my blog photography by making another investment in learning, via a ‘Flat Lay Play’ course online.

Improving my photography skills will not only help my blog and Instagram, but will also allow me to offer brands more within a sponsored post package.

Lastly, I need to market ALL of the content I create on all platforms. That means Instagram story promos, Youtube community posts, and Pinterest pins.

Overall, I am pretty confident that September will be a good month for growth.

I do expect a dip in viewership and subscribers on my Youtube channel in September, but hopefully things will even out by year end.

Nonetheless, I need to keep grinding to make October just as prosperous as the promise of September.

By no means do I think I will reach my target each month, but I will continue to share the journey. Is there any type of content you want to see more of on ALove4Me?

Did you miss my July Online Income Report? Check it out here.

august online income
august online income