Personal Growth While Social Distancing

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Since we are confined to our houses for the foreseeable future, I see an opportunity to adjust and focus my mind on growth.

My word of the year is Build, and for me, that means growing what is already in place.

I have spent the last couple of years laying a solid foundation for several projects as part of my five-year plan.

That has included taking stock of where I was at the time, creating a five-year plan, and executing said plan.

In year one, I was putting a toe in the water, deciding how best to lay a solid foundation. By the end of that year, the foundation was set and my plan had solid roots.

Year two was about making mistakes and trying to determine the best direction to achieve the big picture.

I tried new things, took metrics, and spent the year exploring from which my strength stems. By the end of 2019, I chose me by closing the door on people and things that did not serve me.

By taking the time to learn from my past, and by identifying what makes me happy, I began 2020 happier than I have been in years.

With such a solid foundation, I knew that in year three I wanted to think less and grow more. So far, this is the hardest task yet.

I love to start anew but the follow-through is the tough part.

Staying on one path, adjusting as is necessary, but continuing the course is the only way to grow. Therefore, I promised myself that I would not begin a new project in 2020.

Instead, I am building on what I have already set in motion.

This shift in mindset is a focus on growth.

I am a creative, so it is easy for me to slip into the trap of constantly creating without follow through. However, this five-year plan is the long term game and I am committed to growth.

That means pushing myself more than ever before.

Stretching my mind beyond my own expectation and taking a few leaps of faith along the way.

I enjoy knowing exactly how the outcome will be realized, but in this situation, I am having to figure things out as I go. Making sure push forward at points of uncertainty instead of finding comfort in my little box.

Every day I mentally take stock of what holds me back and decide to push forward into the unknown.

I am a big picture person, but growth comes from doing something every single day until that big picture is realized. Focusing daily on small steps is how I am pushing myself to build and stay on track.

Essentially, this year is about pushing myself toward growth.

No matter what.

I am still tracking, executing a plan, and evaluating each and every month. However, I am building on the solid foundation I spent two years creating instead of leaving that foundation to build another.

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