How Micro-Needling Cleared My Acne-Prone Skin

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Let me start by saying micro-needling is the truth!

In my last skincare post, I gushed over the fact that after over 10 years of problem skin, I now live acne-free. However, once the acne became controlled, I was left with hyperpigmentation and scarring. I asked my dermatologist how I could tackle those and achieve clear EVEN skin. After a bit more discussion on my skin goals, she recommended three Micro-needling treatments.

My initial reaction was, “that sounds painful.” I mean, needles are never desirable, and I did not like the sound of any needles getting near my face. However, she explained that I wouldn’t feel any discomfort due to the numbing cream they would have me use prior to the treatment. I asked several more questions and decided to try a single treatment to determine whether I would go the full three rounds.

What Is Micro-needling?

Micro-needling is a treatment in which a cluster of tiny needles is used to puncture the first layer of skin. In response to these punctures, the body produces more collagen to “heal,” and thus reduces the look of lines, wrinkles, and helps to improve the overall texture of the skin. Meaning, this is a great treatment to deal with hyperpigmentation and texture left over from years of acne.

I did ask my dermatologist about doing a chemical peel or microdermabrasion. She informed me that microdermabrasion is not an ideal treatment for dark skin, and although a chemical peel would work, she referred to the peel as “what they used to recommend.” The chemical peel requires a fair amount of downtime, and has a higher risk of negative side effects for melanated skin. My doctor hadn’t steered me wrong and cleared my acne, so I decided to give the micro-needling treatment a chance.

micro needling

My Experience

Two treatments later, and I am over the moon. First of all, Micro-Needling did not hurt in the slightest. I was instructed to generously apply a numbing cream, not forgetting the area around the eyes, the hairline, and the crease near the nose. I was apprehensive the first go-round, so I definitely applied the cream generously 30 minutes before my appointment. The treatment was about 25 minutes, and I didn’t feel any discomfort at any time during the process.

After the micro-needling is finished, my esthetician applies a hydrating serum and a mask. Aftercare instructions include washing my face morning and evening and applying vaseline as necessary. It was recommended that I not wear makeup for 12 hours, and to resume my regular skincare routine 48 hours later. I chronicled the experience of my first treatment here:

Side Effects

I was warned that I could feel some discomfort as the numbing cream wore off, but I did not. One side effect I watched closely for, is increased hyperpigmentation. I was careful to stay inside for the two days after treatment to be safe. Fortunately, I did not experience any hyperpigmentation from either treatment.

I was also warned that itchiness might occur as the skin resurfaced, and if necessary I could apply a cortisol cream. Luckily, the itchiness I felt was mild and was soothed with the Vaseline application. The only side effect I find uncomfortable was a raw feeling, even after applying Vaseline. This feeling went away after a couple of days. I do think the fact that my skin felt dry before the treatments contributed to that raw feeling post procedure.

Prior to the second treatment, I made sure to cut back on my Retin-A Micro use a week prior, and I completely stopped using my benzoyl phosphate for a week. That definitely helped with the raw feeling because my skin was not dry before treatment. I think I will stop all actives one week before my third treatment and see if that helps even more.

micro needling

The Results

Just 12 hours after the first treatment, my skin was glowing! I did not noticeably peel, but my skin was flushed and I could tell a layer was resurfacing after every wash. One of the best aspects of this treatment is the short downtime. I was able to leave my house the day after each treatment. Though I remained a little flushed for a couple of days, and my skin looked a little more uneven than usual, though those side effects are only noticeable if directed to observe.

My skin continued to improve for four weeks post-treatment, each time. Plus, my skincare products seem to work better post-treatment, helping to brighten the appearance of my overall skin tone. I now have that healthy glow, and my skin is definitely much more even. I told my friend about the treatments, and I described how the appearance of my pores have changed, and she literally said “what pores?”

The Verdict

Would I recommend Micro-needling to you, my readers? Definitely. One caution: I did have to achieve clear skin before this treatment could occur. If the needles were used on acne-prone skin, they would just spread the bacteria causing much more acne. I cannot wait to see my skin after the final treatment. I’m pretty sure, at that point, you won’t be able to tell me nothin’.


1 Comment

  1. Bernie
    January 16, 2019 / 4:04 pm

    I’m glad you had a positive experience. I’m looking into different options for my daughter but based on your post we have to clear up her acting before we can proceed with something like this micro needling. Your skin does look fabulous and I will definitely keep this in mind.