The Mane Choice Tropical Moringa Body Wash and Body Oil + Lotion Fusion Review | Body Care

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I am purposefully a high maintenance type of woman and becoming more so by the day. This means that I have stepped up my daily, weekly, and monthly beauty routine. The goal is to present as if I am effortlessly polished every single day. Notice “appear,” because a lot goes into appearing effortless. I have a daily hygiene routine that includes a morning and evening shower, which is always followed up by hydrating the skin with lotion.

I do not consider washing my body high maintenance because cleanliness is standard for all humans. However, the typical in shower cleansing routine does not necessarily include a multi-step wash routine. Mine does. I like to use bar soap and a washcloth to ensure my skin is free of dirt before moving on to body wash. Body wash serves as that extra step to aid in gentle daily exfoliation via my Salux cloth.

Body wash is also the first step toward smelling like the queen I am. At night I prefer to let the scent of my body wash serve as a fragrance. In the morning I like for the scent of my body wash to be mild and do not interfere with the fragrance I will choose to spray that day. Since the body wash comes post bar soap cleansing, I also need my body wash to help my skin stay hydrated. No stripping cleansers in my skincare arsenal anywhere.

mane choice

To have that bronzed goddess glow, keeping the skin clean and hydrated is a must. Ideally, I like for my body wash and lotion to be a pair. A tendency I think is a holdover from my Bath & Body Works days. When deciding on my next Body Wash & Lotion combination I wanted to tick off a few boxes:

  • Black Owned
  • Hydrating
  • Non-Irritating
  • Clean Ingredients

This list and the internet leaves me with lots of great choices, including The Mane Choice. While perusing Black Friday sales, I immediately noticed that the Mane Choice had a 50% off sale. I had my eye on the Heavenly Halo collection, but at that price point, I decided to give a body care bundle from the brand a try. I was unsure of the scent, and when purchasing online it is hard to know how strongly scented a product may be. Once I received the Tropical Moringa set, the first thing I did was smell the set. The scent is definitely strong but doesn’t linger for too long. The scent of the body wash will definitely fill your bathroom, but a quick airing out and the scent dissipates. Similarly, the lotion has the same scent, but it doesn’t interfere with any fragrance I layer on top.

The combination of the Body Wash and Lotion leaves my skin hydrated with a slight sheen until the next wash. Neither product irritates my skin, and the ingredients are clean without a lot of synthetic ingredients. Purchasing this set during Black Friday means that I paid $6 for each 10-ounce product.  Am I happy with my purchase? Absolutely, and so is my skin. Would I purchase The Mane Choice Tropical Moringa Body Wash and Body Oil + Lotion Fusion set again? No, but only because I want to try a different scent. I’m thinking Pink Lemonade & Coconut next time…
