5 Tips To Make Wash Day Easier | #NaturalHairCare

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Since the dawn of the natural hair movement, naturalistas everywhere have made such a big deal of wash day.

In my early days, I was definitely guilty of setting an entire day aside dedicated to the care of my natural hair. Years later, I now know my hair well enough to understand that I was doing way too much (#overkill).

At this point in my hair journey, I can definitely detangle and wash my hair in less than an hour. After that, time depends on the style I choose. Nonetheless, I rarely dedicate more than two hours on any given day to my hair. It’s just not necessary for the health of my hair. Instead, I wake up early to wash and style my hair before enjoying the rest of my day. How did I come to this point? I cut out the unnecessary steps and spend the bulk of my time styling.

How To Make Wash Day Easier

Detangle the day before washing

One great way to cut down on time is to detangle the night before I intend to wash my hair. This means that I spend 15-20 minutes detangling, and then one hour the next day to wash and style. Total time is 75 to 80 minutes but broken up in a way that makes the entire wash process simple. One thing I have learned over the years is that applying a deep conditioner to detangled hair takes much less time. I usually pre-poo with coconut oil so my hair can get the nutrients it provides or amp up the treatment more by way of my diy pre-poo.

Wash is fewer sections

It took me a while to try washing my hair in fewer sections (cause isn’t that natural hair law?). BUT, my hair is detangled before washing, so I do not have to worry about creating tangles when I wash. Only washing my hair in one large section, as opposed to four, cuts down on soooo much time. Plus I use cleansers that clean yet keep my hair moisturized and hydrated, so it remains detangled.

wash day

Use products with slip

I know there are tons of great conditioners out there that provide moisture without slip. Yes, I have used those in the past or added oil to the conditioner to help add slip. However, eventually, I decided that I do not have to waste energy. Slip makes detangling easy, cuts down on friction, and makes styling super simple. So, skip those products that do not have slip, and embrace those that contribute to the ease of your hair.

Base your hairstyle on YOUR time

Time is a hot commodity in my life, so I often base the products I will use to style on time. There are products that make it super simple to define my curls or work so well that I can do a chunky twist out and still get tons of definition. Other products still work, but require application on smaller sections thus more time. Having an arsenal of products for both eventualities allows me to choose the products I will use based on the time I have to dedicate to styling.

Keep it simple

Most importantly, ask yourself why you need to incorporate steps and products in your regimen. One must cleanse and condition the hair for health, and use a styling product to retain moisture. That is a minimum of three steps and three products. Easy, simple. Using 8 to 10 products and steps for your wash day is definitely over manipulation, which will lead to damage.

Moral of the story here is Keep.It.Simple.Sista. Natural hair care does not have to be complicated, and wash day does not have to take a full day. Instead, spend less time washing your hair, and spend more time enjoying the look and feel of healthy natural hair.

If you care to share, in the comments below give your best tip to make wash day easy.

wash day
wash day


  1. Daria
    June 17, 2019 / 8:35 pm

    So true! In the beginning, I made wash day extremely complicated thus making me dread it. For the warmer weather, I wear wash and gos. To streamline this, I wash, deep condition or condition, apply leave – in conditioner and twist in sections the evening before. The next day, I re-wet and apply my styler. Splitting up the routine, allows me to take my time and enjoy the process.

    • June 17, 2019 / 8:42 pm

      That’s a great routine! Such a good idea for easy styling.