3 COVID Habits that Have Been Good for Natural Hair Care

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In a strange way, COVID-19 has caused me to maintain a few great natural hair care practices.

As you may know, I do the most when it comes to taking care of my hair. I enjoy the process of washing and styling my natural hair in whatever way suits me.

However, working from home has allowed me to pay special attention to particular areas of my regimen that I may have rushed through before social distancing.

Regular pre-poo for healthy hair care

Before social distancing, I would say that I followed my pre-poo routine for about half of the wash days out of the month. The other half of the time, I would slap in the Just For Me Curl Peace Detangling treatment prior to washing.

I know my hair thrives when I take the time the night before washing to gently work through my strands. Also, letting coconut oil sit on my strands overnight does have a hydrating effect that is beneficial to the health of my hair.

There is something magical about the combo of aloe vera juice and coconut oil for my hair. It definitely benefits from my loyalty to aloe vera juice within my pre-poo routine.

Right now, the moisture levels in my hair are optimal. As a result, my detangling sessions are super quick and my wash and go’s are easily defined.


From years of experience, I know that low-manipulation is clutch in a healthy natural hair care routine.

Less manipulation can help with moisture retention and decreases breakage due to daily handling of the hair.

In April, I wore my hair in twists for two to three weeks at a time!

This served as the typical break I would give my hair once a year (usually in a protective style). Because I did not have to attend any events, I truly did not manipulate my hair much at all for a month.

Since then, I find myself sitting around my house with my LocSoc on, keeping my hair protected for much of the day.

As a result, by the time wash day rolls around again, my hair is still very moisturized.

Using up my natural hair care stash

One of my major goals for 2020 is to use up as many of the hair products in my stash as possible.

I have a backlog of hair products because I try so many for review via the Youtube channel.

In the past, moving on so fast from one product to the next meant that I would stockpile products.

COVID has caused production to drastically slow down for many companies, and new releases are far and few in between. I can’t help but think COVID may help to solve a few of the overconsumption issues we have been facing as a culture.

Thanks to COVID, I am experimenting more with technique and less with varying products.

I did buy several gels for the upcoming 2020 Wash & Go Series over on Youtube, but I stayed away from purchasing entire product lines.

Now that my hair is longer, I find myself getting through my stylers faster, so those gels shouldn’t stay in my stash too long.

Non-hair care side effect

I did also want to mention that an amazing side effect of social distancing has been the growth of my online community. Thanks to being stuck inside, I find that my creativity is on 10.

My content seems to have a freshness that brings me joy and helps me stay motivated to create.

Luckily, several new people to my platform enjoy that content enough to subscribe and continue watching new uploads to my channel.

If you care to share, comment below with the positive unintended side effects for your natural hair care that COVID-19 has encouraged.
