How To Grow Strong Long Nails

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Looking back, I really did not know if I could grow long strong nails after biting them. The first time I grew my nails back, I did not purposefully set out to grow strong nails. As a chronic nail biter, the original goal was to simply stop biting my nails.

Once I managed to stop biting my nails, I realized I knew nothing about the world of nail care, but I was developing a style. That led me to try finding a shape I liked, and me filing my nails into a difficult almond tip. Big mistake!

Because I knew nothing about nail files, I damaged my nails so they would frequently grow long and break. I realized that I had no clue how to care for my nails, so I began to get them manicured at a nail shop.

That worked to help me grow my nails stronger, and I also learned a few tips to help me care for my nails at home.

Now, in the midst of a Pandemic, I haven’t been to a nail shop, but because of what I learned I have long strong nails that I can maintain at home.

grow long strong nails

Tips To Grow Long Strong Nails Naturally

  1. Keep Your Hands Moisturized

Cuticle oil is the popular choice for nail health, but I’ve used either Vitamin E oil or coconut oil since the beginning of this journey, so I tend to stick with that. Keeping your hands moisturized by applying lotion after every wash and massaging oil into your cuticles every morning and evening is your first line of defense against brittle nails.

When I began to grow out my nails, I would massage Vitamin E oil into my nail beds at night to help me break the cycle of biting in the evenings. The taste of the oil also served as a reminder of my goal whenever I went to bite my nails throughout the day. Lo and behold, it turns out that I was doing one of the best things I could to grow long strong nails.

  1. Do not saw away at the nail

Be sure to file the nails in an inward direction, toward the center. Avoid the back and forth motion, especially with an emery board nail file. The back and forth motion weakens the nail and was definitely the main culprit for my breakage.

When growing out my nails the first time, I knew nothing about the proper use of a nail file. I simply went to Walgreens and purchased the cheap emery board style nail file. That may have been my worst nail care infraction. Now I own a crystal file for gentle care.

how to grow long strong nails fast
  1. Don’t pick at your nails

Instead, avoid chipping by applying thin layers of polish. Always allow the polish to dry down before applying the next coat to avoid thick layers of polish that easily peel away.

Also, keep a crystal nail file on hand to smooth out any chips in the nail and be sure to not pick at either chipped polish or uneven nails.

As a nail biter, chipped nails or nail polish is very tempting. I either want to pick at the issue or bite away at the issue at hand. This causes my nails to roughen and break over time.

  1. Maintain regular manicures

The goal of the manicure is to pay attention to healthy nail maintenance, including cuticle growth, nail shape, and nail health. Taking time each week for a manicure will ensure that your nails remain strong and give you a chance to apply polish in a way that will last.

Whether I am doing a weekly at-home manicure or stepping into the nail shop, regular manicures helped me revive my nails over time. Try to make manicures apart of your regular grooming routine.

  1. Eat well

It’s true what they say, strong nail growth starts within. Aside from genetics, nail growth is a function of the body, so healthy nails are a result of healthy food habits.

Hair and nails are made of protein, so ingest quality protein sources on a regular basis. An unbalanced diet will show in brittle nails and unhealthy hair. I will add that when I take biotin, my nails grow long and strong at a rapid rate (my favorite brand of biotin supplements are vegan too).

grow strong natural nails

You Can Grow Long Strong Natural Nails

I discovered the best way to stop biting my nails several years ago, but I feel like I am playing catch up in the nail care department. However, one thing I’ve learned along the way is that I can grow long strong nails.

Thanks to other articles and regular manicures, I was able to determine what I was doing well to care for my nails. Because I know there are others like me out there, I decided to share.

We long time nail biters are playing catch up to the rest of the population, but the good thing is nail growth is guaranteed. Brittle nails do not have to be a permanent condition, instead the five tips above have helped me grow long strong nails over and over again.
