12 Low-Cost Natural Hair Products That Work

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When I first went natural, many of the products out there were not targeted toward natural hair, so I would browse through all the hair care isles to find products. The grocery store and health food stores often were the place I could find hair products with clean ingredients. I still keep a list of the low-cost products I enjoy and often turn to them when the mood hits.

One theme for me this week has been the price of natural hair products. If you are like me, and not a do-it-yourself person, then you may have noticed that products targeted at consumers with natural hair aren’t low-priced. For the most part, full-sized products begin at $5, give or take a few coins, and go up from there. However, there are a few hidden gems in the lower price point on store shelves.

ECO Styler Gel

Low-Cost Natural Hair Products

In the list below, you will find products that cost $5.99 or less depending on where you shop and where you live. Online, many of these products are cheaper than in-store, but nonetheless, they fit the low-cost classification.

  1. Creme of Natural Argan Oil Shampoo: An old favorite that leaves the hair soft and moisturized. This formula does contain silicones but remains SLS free.
  2. ORS Creamy Aloe Shampoo: A great moisturizing shampoo that also acts as a chelating shampoo, so it is great for those with hard water. Though this formula does not contain paragons or SLS, it does contain silicones.
  3. Suave Tropical Coconut Conditioner: My absolute favorite rinse out conditioner with a clean ingredients list. This will provide slip and moisture for days.
  4. Hask Monoi Coconut Oil Nourishing Deep Conditioner: My go-to protein treatment is inexpensive, has a clean ingredients list, and leaves the hair strong and curls popping each use.
  5. Trader Joe’s Tea Tree Tingle and Nourish Spa Conditioner: These gems from Trader Joe’s have a clean ingredients list, double as deep conditioners, and are a good bang for the buck.
  6. TRESemmé Botanique Nourish and Replenish Conditioner: At 32 ounces, this cost-effective conditioner sports a clean ingredients list, great slip, and great moisture.
  7. Aussie 3 Minute Miracle Conditioner: This mask will deep condition the hair is just a few minutes. The silicones provide tons of slip, while the fatty alcohol and lipids provide intense moisture.
  8. MillCreek Botanicals Keratin Conditioner: Another protein treatment, but with natural ingredients. This conditioner strengthens my hair, but leaves it soft and my curls poppin.
  9. Cantu for Natural Hair Leave-In & Coconut Curl Cream: Good inexpensive creams are tough to find at this price point, BUT Cantu for Natural Hair always comes through in this price range. I enjoy the leave-in on wet hair, and the coconut curl cream best on dry hair.
  10. Ampro Olive Oil Gel: Ampro gel is a year-round staple in my haircare arsenal. This formula contains protein, and is not natural, but does not contain drying alcohols or parabens.
  11. Xtreme Wetline Gel: This gel needs no introduction, but it is truly the Goat and is easily accessible. I would count this as another year-round-gel option that does not contain protein, drying alcohol, and does contain aloe.
  12. Eco Styler Gel: Eco Styler has several versions of gel available for purchase at a low price. The gels are usually cheaper at Beauty Supply stores but are available at most grocery and drug stores as well.

Bonus: Super Wet Professional Styling Gel: Though this gel is a favorite of mine, and fits this list, it is hard to come by so if you happen to stumble upon a bottle of Super Wet, PICK IT UP!

Though there are more products out there at this price point, this list of 12 is just as good as their higher price point counterparts. Meaning I could walk into a store, purchase a set of products from this list, and have healthy manageable natural hair. Yes, your hair can thrive without breaking the bank.

If you care to share, please comment with some of your favorite low-coast hair products below!

See ya next time!



  1. Myeisha Thompson
    August 24, 2019 / 11:32 am

    This list does in fact include products that are essential to someone’s starter pack for their natural hair journey. I myself have used most of these products 5 years ago when I first started. Some other products I have used that were pretty inexpensive: V05 shampoo & conditioner, palmers coconut oil protein pack deep conditioner, Garnier Fructis sleek n shine leave in conditioner, OGX shampoos and conditioners. I still use V05 actually its ingredients are clean and they’re actually considered “curlygirl friendly” if you’re following the Curly Girl Method. Pretty good list, something I can share to those naturals wondering which products they should buy. It can get pretty overwhelming and a bit pricey (for those product junkies *cough *cough) trying to find what works for you; let alone wanting to try all that’s out there.

    • August 24, 2019 / 11:45 am

      Yes, those are some of the OG goodies for sure. Thanks for adding to the list!